will periodically post articles on English learners, language acquistion
and language education policy. These articles and essays provide data
analysis and discussion of issues of interest for parents and school
board members as well as for education administrators.
View Articles
are short papers about specific topics in English
learner (EL) schooling, meant to provide practitioners with practical
suggestions on how to employ best practices to improve instruction and
programs for these students. Some of the papers provide guidance on
how to reconcile seemingly conflicting requirements of law with research
on second language acquisition or education in general.
View EL Briefs
These include examples of forms, checklists and guides for observation
in classrooms, review of EL programs, planning staff development, etc.
View Tools
has prepared and delivered presentations for parents and teachers, as
well as for administrators, legislators, and other policy-makers in
education. Some of these presentations are offered online as tools for
clients, and for those interested in learning more about the firm.
View Powerpoint Presentations
Permission is granted to distribute electronically or
reproduce any of these documents as long as the content and format are
identical to the original. Citation is appreciated.